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We offer two versions of the night stands. Both are constructed using traditional textile techniques from the village of Guizhou.

Single Dye

Product Code: NSTS_001

Materials: Walnut. Brass.

Dimensions: H700mm x W460mm x D350mm

Double Dye

Product Code: NSTD_002

Materials: Walnut. Brass.

Dimensions: H700mm x W460mm x D350mm

These night stands offer a new approach for the traditional method of batik- transferring the technique from soft fabrics to hard ware. Broadening the techniques application. The batik panels are produced in the village of Guizhou, in southern China and the prints have been inspired by their traditional Guizhou heritage motif and modified with a contemporary twist. These are then dyed numerous times in the home grown organic indigo dye vats. The indigo colour slowly develops with different oxidation processes. This product has allowed the villagers to experience how to work in partnership with expert manufacturers, such as Stellar Work

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