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Data-interactive installation with light feature

3D printing, jacquard weaving, gold leaf gilding, LED

UBS VIP Lounge/ Dangdai, Taipei, Taiwan

Commissioned by UBS, 2019

New iterations of the modular design of Nexus installation were featured in the UBS VIP Lounge at Taipei Dangdai, an international art fair in the Taiwanese capital (18-20 January 2019)


Nexus inspired by nature and technology. The interactive output of the sculpture is powered by a feed of big data from a set of more than 8,000 air quality monitoring stations around the world, and analyzed by UBS Evidence Lab, a specialist research facility within UBS.

Through the interactive presentations, visitors will be prompted to select air quality data from different cities and countries which will create unique light performances akin to the composition of a piece of music. Lights along the body of the work will display the movement of accumulated data, translated through individually programmed LEDs into an organic flow of light visuals, which illustrate how the air quality has changed in the selected locations over the past two years.

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